Ken Bone Probably Should Have Deleted His Reddit Comment History Before Doing An AMA

America’s favorite new hero, Ken Bone, has parlayed his 15 minutes of fame into some national exposure, but a recent Ask Me Anything session on Reddit may dash the country’s hope of the lone silver lining this election season has produced.

Bone and his red sweater melted the country’s heart with his earnest question during the first presidential debate, which was a refreshing moment during an otherwise contentious evening. The undecided voter then used his newfound fame to parlay some late-night show guest spots and an inadvertent illegal UBERSelect plug. And who could blame him for capitalizing on his moment in the spotlight? On Thursday, Bone participated in an Ask Me anything session on Reddit, but he may have wanted to clear his history on the site before participating. He seemed pretty excited about the event, so perhaps he forgot to tidy up.

As we’ve seen in the past, an AMA on Reddit can be a little dicey for some first-time users, but Bone was a seasoned Redditor, participating in a few NSFW sections on the site. He also used his regular Reddit username during the question and answer session, so others took a deep dive into his history on the site. It was discovered he weighed in on the Jennifer Lawrence nude pic controversy. Lawrence herself told people they should be ashamed for looking at her photos, but Bone felt differently.

And it looks like a little insurance fraud could be in Bone’s history.

He also tried to make the case that the killing of Trayvon Martin was justified, although to be fair, he didn’t dig too deep into specifics.

Finally, there are plenty of plain old embarrassing moments to be had in Bone’s history, including thoughts on Power Rangers, vasectomies, and Brazilian curves.

It’s all a little disheartening to see that America’s newest is a bit of an online weirdo. Just when you think there is a shining light coming out of the overcast vibe of this election we get this latest revelation. Looks like some folks will be exiting the #BoneZone.

(Via Reddit, Gizmodo, Engadget & The Daily Beast)

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