In one of the dumbest ironies that ever ironed, the president of a Canadian chapter of MADD — which stands for “Mothers Against Drunk Driving” — has resigned following a June arrest. For drunk driving.
David Griffin, who is not the same person as the general manager of the Cleveland Cavaliers, was caught drunk behind the wheel and charged with two alcohol-related offenses. A former cop, Griffin knew that being charged with drunk driving was probably not a good look for the president of the East Prince County chapter of an organization that lobbies against drunk driving, so he offered up his resignation as soon as he could get to a phone.
Griffin is scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 27 and has not yet entered a plea. It all kinda makes you wonder if everyone fighting the “war on drugs” is just sitting around getting high. Of course they are. Fighting the munchies and rainbow dinosaurs living in their refrigerators.
(via The Guardian)