Ray J Is Giving Kim Kardashian And Kanye West The Best Wedding Gift Of All Time

What do you give a girl you used to date and made a sex tape with for a wedding gift? Well, if you still get sex tape royalties, f**k it, give her a check. That’s exactly what Moesha alumni Ray J did when he wanted to congratulate the Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on their upcoming wedding. Via TMZ:

It’s breathtaking on 2 levels — that Ray J has such humongous cajones, and that the tape is still raking in a fortune after 7 years.

Here’s the breakdown of the wedding gift. Mind you, this is just Ray J’s cut:

— January $6,135.60
— February $20,097.31
— March $9,674.76
— April $10,931.52
— TOTAL: $46,840.13

This is mind-blowing not because he has the guts to pull this off, but that this number is real. With porn being free on the internet, who is dropping this money on this sex tape still? You can look for anything on the internet and accidentally watch the sex tape of these two.

(Via TMZ)