This Dress Is Destroying The Internet — What Color Is It?!

Something terrible is happening on the internet right now. Something that is destroying friendships and causing absolute insanity. And it’s a picture of a dress on Tumblr.

People. Please. Help. What the f*ck colors are this dress?

It’s white and gold, right? That’s what I see. I am physically incapable of seeing any other color possibilities. And, yet, there are many, many people declaring it definitively black and blue.

Apparently, according to this Twitter user, what’s happening is the brain’s response to white balance.

And this is my brain’s response to this whole thing:


Before more lives are ruined by this dress, please, chime in. And explain yourselves. What do you see? White and gold, or blue and black? Also, is this a government test designed to make us turn on each other? Because it’s working.

UPDATE: Holy sh*t.

Source: BuzzFeed