Remember The Pastor Who Promised To Set Himself On Fire If Gay Marriage Is Legalized?

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Celebrations will be had tonight. The Supreme Court threw down its mighty gavel to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states, and today is a day for spontaneous parties and overwhelmingly positive, love-filled reactions. One man does not have reason to celebrate, though.

Texan pastor Rick Scarborough pledged to set himself on fire if same-sex marriage became legal. The right-wing minister made this incredible promise while speaking on the National Emergency Coalition podcast: “We understand what’s coming. No matter what the cost, we rate the cost. We are not going to bow. We are not going to bend, and if necessary, we will burn.”

Perhaps he was being metaphorical, but this is a man who described AIDS as “God’s judgment.” Scarborough previously offered to sacrifice himself to help the Oregon bakers who refused a same-sex marriage cake order: “The preachers need to get out front, the leaders need to get out front, out front of these ordinary citizens and say, ‘Shoot me first.'”

(via BroBible, the Independent)