And just when you thought prank videos couldn’t get any better, (or worse, depending on your viewpoint) here comes a clip about a man pitching a tent in front of hot models. But don’t worry everyone, it’s fake. Or at least I think it’s fake. That’s a sock right? Wait, what’s going on here!
The models were told they were doing a photoshoot and audition for Shia Lebeouf. There was a green screen put in place so the video editor could presumably add special effects after the fact. Then boom, our hero (*not a hero) shows up in the clip looking like a member of the Vancouver Canucks Green Men. Because he’s wearing a green body suit, he’s supposed to blend in. Get it guys?
Then the prank plays out and yes, these girls were totally in on it. The blonde model in particular (Laci Kay Somers) appears to be having way too much fun. That being said, kudos to these women for producing shocked/confused looks. They have a career in acting, obviously. (via BroBible)
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