Jennifer Lawrence And Chris Martin Broke Up For Real This Time, They Swear

jennifer lawrence chris martin
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EXCLUSIVE, screams Us Weekly, with news that may ruin your July 4th weekend. Or make it, depending on how many Coldplay lyrics you have tattooed on your torso. Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin have broken up, again, but this time, it’s for real, they’re definitely done, they swear.

“Jen has been working nonstop and they never saw each other,” an insider tells Us.

The pair, who had been dating for almost a year, previously split last winter for a month before reuniting in December. Since their split, Lawrence, 24, has been spending more time with her ex-boyfriend and X-Men: Apocalypse costar, Nicholas Hoult. (Via Us Weekly)

When reached for comment, Hoult replied:

(Via US Weekly)