Kim Kardashian Thinks That Whole O.J. Simpson Murder Situation Was ‘Weird’

Kim Kardashian graces the cover of the new Rolling Stone, out this Friday, but the magazine has released 11 revelations in the meantime from Kardashian’s new cover story, and they do not disappoint. And by not disappointing, I mean that it reconfirms everything you’ve ever suspected or knew about Kim Kardashian being a soulless shell of a person.

For starters, take this gem about the O.J. Simpson murder case, of which her father was famously on the defense team of. Keeping in mind that she was only 14 at the time, we can give her a pass for back then… but now? Not so much.

“It was surreal, with Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro and all these guys having meetings at my dad’s house,” Kim says. Kris was close with Nicole Brown Simpson and believed that O.J. was guilty, creating a massive amount of tension in the family. “I definitely took my dad’s side,” Kim says. “We just always thought my dad was the smartest person in the world, and he really believed in his friend.” As far as what she believes now, she says, “It’s weird. I just try not to think about it.”

“LOL it is so weird that my dad’s friend in all likelihood killed my mom’s friend!” Kim also discussed her sex tape, continuing to pretend like she herself wasn’t the one to leak it:

“We’re in major confidentiality, so I can’t talk about it,” Kardashian says of the culprit. Does she still think about the fact that a great deal of humanity has seen her in flagrante? “I don’t really think about it,” she says quietly. “I thought about it for a long time. But when I get over something, I get over it.”

On her history of interracial relationships:

At the time, her dad, Robert Kardashian, “explained to me that he’s had a lot of interracial friends, and it might not be the easiest relationship. He said I should prepare myself for people to say things to me. . . . When I was in high school, I’d get magazines and see interracial couples and think, ‘They are so cute.’ I’ve always been attracted to a certain kind of look.”

Just to recap, Kim Kardashian decided she was into interracial relationships at a young age because she saw them in a magazine and thought they were cute. I would expect nothing less from the “better” half of Kanye West.

Here’s the new Rolling Stone cover featuring Kardashian, if you like boobs: