"Argoman" Gets a Kickstart

Kickstarter is a source of all sorts of weird and wonderful things, but usually it’s good for an attempt to revive a memorably awful movie from the dead. Last year we told you about the project to restore “Manos: The Hands of Fate”, which quadrupled its goal. And now some industrious film restorers out of Oregon want to bring you “Argoman.”

“Argoman” is actually a pretty amusing movie in its own right. Amazingly, it has so far escaped the gentle caress of the MST3K crew, but it’s about on that level. Argoman’s powers consist largely of making people do basic gymnastics away from him when he jumps into a group, and the movie itself is a bizarre mix of James Bond and what appears to be a dimly understood Superman comic.

Either way, it’s a hoot. Check out the Kickstarter video, and the terrible American trailer under the jump.