This Michigan State Rep Tried To Cover Up An Affair By Starting A Fake Rumor About A Male Prostitute

Republican Michigan State Rep. Todd Courser was in danger of an affair he was engaging in with fellow State Rep. Cindy Gamrat (both Tea Party activists, married with children) becoming exposed, so, backed into the corner, he came up with a doozy of a plan. In audio recordings obtained from former House aide Ben Graham by the Detroit News, Courser concocted an elaborate smear campaign in which an email was to be released alleging the state rep of having sex with a male prostitute.

The email would have been ostensibly the work of an “anonymous political enemy” and would detail salacious allegations that Courser and the prostitute were caught having sex behind a Lansing nightclub.

You might be thinking to yourself, how is this a plan now? Don’t worry, it totally makes sense to hear him tell it.

During the May 19 meeting, Courser instructed Graham to send rank-and-file Republicans across Michigan what he called “an over-the-top story that’s obscene about me.” It was designed, Courser said on the recording, to “inoculate the herd” — an apparent reference to Courser and Gamrat’s followers in the tea party movement.

“It will make anything else that comes out after that — that isn’t a video — mundane, tame by comparison,” Courser, a married father of four, told Graham.

“I need a controlled burn,” said the lawmaker, who used the term three times during the meeting.

Graham later refused to help Courser execute his plan and was later fired. Of course, the delicious irony of this being that both Courser and Gamrat are both social conservatives who wear their Christian faith on their sleeves, while pursuing legislation against abortion rights and gay marriage. But adultery and lying and cover ups are A-okay!

I can’t recommend reading the entire story and listening to the audio recording enough, because the insanity of this guy is astounding.

(Via the Detroit News)