Women Are Now Live-Tweeting Their Periods To Donald Trump


This is the best thing to come out of Thursday’s debate, and the fallout over Donald Trump’s comments about Megyn Kelly and “blood coming out of her whatever.” It almost doesn’t matter that Trump is still ahead in the polls, because women on Twitter mentioning @realDonaldTrump as they live-tweet their periods.

You can see all the tweets under #periodsarenotaninsult. It appears to have been started by Amber Gordon of the online community Femsplain, with this August 8 tweet.

The Tweets range from graphic descriptions, to earnest criticism about thinking of periods as disgusting, to jokes about Trump and tampons. Most heartening of all, these tweets show one of the first sensible and inspiring responses to Trump’s inexplicably popular, hate-mongering candidacy for President of the United States.

So far, Trump hasn’t responded to the #periodsarenotaninsult tweets. He’s instead continued to bash Rand Paul and tweet about illegal immigrants being criminals. If recent events are any indication, though, it won’t be long before he has something immature to say about the hashtag, maybe that they’re the deviants, not him.

Here are some other good ones:



Wonder what Megyn Kelly thinks of all of this?