Today in NOPE: Thousands Of Spiders Band Together To Build A Mega-Web

Nature has made it very clear this week that it wants us all dead. You would think that spiders banding together to build a freakishly huge mega-web is only the stuff of nightmares, but in Rowlett, Texas, it is all too real. Encompassing a large stretch of tress, a communal web is now home to thousands of spiders, who are normally solitary creatures, but NOT ANYMORE.

Popping up in Lakeside Park, this natural oddity has become a draw for the locals, who apparently enjoy looking death in the face.  Local news station WFAA-ABC interviewed many onlookers at the scene:

“I never knew spiders could do this,” a spider spectator named Pierson Clinger told us as he inspected the mega-web, spun by an army of spiders.

How many?

“Too many to my liking,” said Pierson’s sister, Mackenna.

Mackenna knows what’s up.

Still, credit where credit is due: It is probably an overabundance of their food source — mosquitoes — that led to this terrifying natural co-op and they have been ensnaring countless tiny flies in their web, so I guess the creepy-crawlies are helpful in that regard. They are also not a physical threat to people, just a psychological one, at least until they decide to join forces on a global scale and destroy humanity once and for all.

I guess things really are bigger in Texas.

(Via WFAA-ABC and io9)