Two New Clips From 'The Amazing Spider-Man' To Add To The Other 25 Minutes Of Footage

“I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.”

If you haven’t seen every minute of The Amazing Spider-Man yet from all the previous clips we’ve posted (like these and these), good news. We have two more clips and some new pictures below. Prior to these clips, there had already been — I kid you not — 25 minutes of footage released. SleepySkunk cut together that 25 minutes into a short film which has since been pulled. Considering The Amazing Spider-Man doesn’t open until July 3rd, it will be interesting to see how many minutes of footage will be out by the time the movie opens.

These newest clips continue a theme I’ve seen throughout this marketing campaign: music beds and sound effects that are distracting in how loud they are. In the first, Parker’s Spidey sense fails miserably as he tries to find the Lizard in the city’s sewer system. In the second, the Lizard goes after a coworker (played by Irrfan Khan) on the George Washington Bridge. That second clip is a part of a scene we already posted a four minute excerpt from earlier. This brings the grand total of Amazing Spider-Man footage released so far to 27 minutes. I don’t have a joke for this. I just thought you should be aware.

[Sources: ComingSoon, CBM, Blastr]

“Are you not entertained?”

I want to know this guy’s story:

He should get an Aubrey Tennant award for excellence in scene stealing among background actors.