Of Course Jared Fogle’s Child Obesity Foundation Turned Out To Be A Sham

Former Subway Pitchman Jared Fogle Pleads Guilty To Child Porn And Sex With Minors Charges
Getty Image / Joey Foley

It didn’t seem possible for things to get worse for Jared Fogle, as he’s now facing at least five years in prison for child-pornography charges, having paid sex with minors, and his wife has since filed for divorce. However, USA Today has uncovered that Fogle’s childhood obesity nonprofit, the Jared Foundation, is in all likelihood a total scam.

The nonprofit was supposed to have distributed $2 million to schools and communities since it was founded to much fanfare in 2008; however, records show that the organization has not issued a single grant in that time.

From 2009 through 2013, the foundation spent just $73,000 a year on average. Sixty percent of the money went to the executive director’s salary, and 26 percent is unaccounted for, according to foundation tax records.

The foundation also hasn’t paid the State of Indiana a $5 annual registration fee since 2008, the year the Jared Fogle Healthy Lifestyle Nationwide School Grant Program was supposed to begin. Delinquency notices were ignored. In 2012, the Indiana Secretary of State dissolved the foundation, though the IRS still recognizes it.

Depending on whether the IRS decides to do some poking around, Fogle could possibly be facing tax evasion or fraud charges in addition to the child-pornography charges. It’s worth noting that the foundation’s executive director was none other than Russell Taylor, who has also since been arrested on childhood-pornography charges. We can probably wager a guess where that unaccounted money went to. (Via USA Today via Yahoo!)

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