Today, We All Love Tim Hortons: 10 Images That Celebrate Canada Day

Dear Canada,
Today is You Day, which rumor has it involves eating pounds of poutine and drinking gallons of Labatt Blue. Then again, everything I’ve learned about you, I’ve learned from “South Park” and “SCTV” skits, so I might be a little bit off-base. Either way, you’ve given us four-fifths of the Band, Neil Young, Will Arnett, Catherine O’Hara, Seth Rogen, Leslie Nielsen, and John Candy, and the Internet really appreciates that. We laugh at your hockey, but that’s only because we care.
To celebrate your day, here are 10 Canada Day tributes found on Tumblr today.

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Or the American alternate. ( )
From the Best of the Stereotypical Canadian Moose. ( )
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