Here Are Some Of The Best Examples Of Sexy, Yet Implausible ‘Porn Logic’

Best Porn Logic Examples
Stock Image via Shutterstock / Uproxx Original

In order to produce a successful adult film, sometimes you just have to cut to the chase. No one has time to sit through your protagonists getting dinner and a movie before the hardcore sexing happens — I mean, this isn’t a Nicholas Sparks film for for Christ’s sake — so sometimes things have to be a little implausible to keep things light. And that’s okay. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not still completely hilarious, as someone on the always insightful AskReddit asked in a thread Tuesday: “What’s your favorite porn logic?”

Reddit answered with some of the best and dumbest tropes ruling the X-rated industry. Here are some of our favorites, starting with the tried and true “girlfriend’s mom threesome.”


Just hope the kids are already asleep!  reddit-sex-3

IRL most people don’t have handy enema kits lying around to prevent this sort of thing:


As several Redditors pointed out, not necessarily unheard of in the Bible Belt:


To be fair, I’ve known a few lawyers with tribal tattoos… No comment on their intelligence.


Women don’t really get turned on by creepers peeping from the bushes?


Maybe this is why taxi drivers where I live always claim that “the machine is broke.”


It’s probably more comfortable than it looks:


Same goes…


Fair points all around, here:


And finally…
