The Man With The World’s Largest Penis Just Released A Very NSFW Proof Video


Earlier this week, the world was introduced to Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, a Mexican man whose penis is so gargantuan that it has ruined his life. Not only is his penis a whopping 19-inches-long, but it also weighs two pounds. And now the 52-year-old Cabrera has made a video of himself documenting exactly the kind of nightmare his giant penis turns his life into.

From TMZ, who obtained the video tape you’re about to see:

We’re told Vivid Entertainment approached the 52-year-old Mexican citizen in an attempt to negotiate a deal for a sex tape, but it’s complicated by language barrier, expectations of money and basic anatomy challenges.

We got this video of Cabrera documenting his life, showing the proportions of his penis and even its weight. For the record it’s TWO POUNDS.

The video can be found here, but please be warned that while it’s grainy, it’s also very NSFW. Although, to be fair, whatever Cabrera’s got going on in this film looks less like genitals and much more like a mythical sea monster that your parents warned you about at bedtime. That’s probably why he has so much trouble with relationships. Also the fact that he chooses to beat himself over the head with his own giant penis as opposed to using it for conventional purposes.

Cabrera says he must go on disability because his penis makes him unable to work, but the way he’s cavorting around and smacking things with it, he may just have to register it as a lethal weapon instead.

(Via TMZ)