‘Gotham’ Season Two Posts A Whole Bunch Of Clips From Its Season Premiere

Gotham has been so generous with the clips we’re a little surprised the second season premiere hasn’t been posted to YouTube. But, hey, the clips are all fun, so let’s dig in.

The show’s been very clear about where Barbara fits into season two; she’s one of the villains. But just in case the last few clips hadn’t made that abundantly clear enough, here’s a third with Barbara going full-on crazy ex for both Gordon and Leslie.

Admittedly, I’m not really sure why Gordon is worried: The last time Leslie and Barbara squared off, Leslie introduced the back of Barbara’s skull to the floor. But it is nice to see that the show won’t be dragging out any sort of “Is Jim going to be blinded by his feelings for Barbara?” plotline and also that he’ll actually be honest with Leslie about the sometimes morally gray things he did last season. Really, it’s not like Leslie won’t figure it out; he’s not exactly good at covering things up.

In case you were wondering, things aren’t going terribly well for Gordon since he screwed over the Commissioner and saved the Penguin’s ass, for which he is every bit as grateful as you might expect from a chronic backstabber. But, this being Gotham, things always have room to get worse; after all, from what we’ve seen in the trailer, Gordon might be the only cop left in Gotham after the premiere. Hey, at least he has job security.

(Via YouTube)