Back in 2008, Jonathan Blow made a name for himself with Braid, a tricky, stylish puzzle-platformer with a story that was deeper than it appeared at first glance. Whether you think Braid was a masterpiece or overrated, there’s no denying it had a huge positive effect on the indie gaming scene, and for the past seven years, people have been waiting for Blow’s next project.
That project is The Witness, a game Blow started developing almost immediately after the release of Braid. The Witness is an adventure game in which you wander around an island, solving maze-like puzzles. Blow has remained tight-lipped about the game’s story, although he has said the puzzles themselves will start to tell a story of sorts as you play through them. According to Blow, The Witness will also be a huge game, weighing in at 80 to 100 hours if you’re the completionist type.
The Witness comes out on PC and PS4 on January 26. What do you folks think? Excited for Jonathan Blow’s latest game, or are you not a fan of his navel-gazing brand of gaming? Personally, I’m willing to give anything that looks even a little bit like Myst a shot, so consider me on board.
via PlayStation Blog