Facebook Is Adding A 7-Second Video Loop Option To Profile Pictures

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Not to be outdone by Twitter’s recent announcement lifting the limit of 140 characters, Facebook announced some new changes coming to the site today. According to Tech Crunch, there are five major changes headed to users’ pages:

  • Instead of just the standard photo option, users can now create 7-second video loops of themselves. These gifs will either make the Facebook experience even more addictive, or it will make it unbearable. Either way, it will definitely look more like a Harry Potter newspaper.
  • There will be Featured pictures that users can pin to the top of their profiles. Have more than one babely picture and can’t decide which to make your profile image? No problem! You can now pin pictures to the top of your profile, so that horrible tag from your last party is no longer the first image that people see when they visit your page.
  • Temporary profile pictures are now possible. You can schedule when you revert back to a different picture in your profile. This is being marketed for promoting causes, like the rainbow overlay that was popular after the marriage equality ruling.
  • There are some big changes coming to the About Me section. Your information fields will now appear at the top of your profile, and there is a new bio section as well, where you can describe yourself in 100 characters or less. You know the most awkward part of creating a Tinder profile? Yeah, now you can bring that forced, breezy persona to Facebook, too.
  • All in all, the site is being tailored to a more mobile experience. Instead of the traditionally left-sided profile, there will be a more streamlined aesthetic.

As with every Facebook update, people will probably scream about how much they hate it, before completely forgetting the old way of doing things by the following week.

(Via Tech Crunch)