What Police Did For This Young, Dying ‘The Walking Dead’ Fan Will Make You Believe In Heroes

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Spencer Holt is a 7-year-old boy battling a terminal mitochondrial disease that brings with it frequent seizures. With no solid timeline or cure for the affliction, Holt’s parents are praying that their son lives out the rest of his days as comfortably as possible, however long that may be. So when a police motorcade escorted Holt — a fan of zombies, police officers, and The Walking Dead — and his parents to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Holt’s family weren’t sure what the officers had in store for the youngster.

Things became apparent when a uniformed officer confronted Spencer, presenting a situation in which zombies had overrun the facility and notifying the young man that he was a vital component in defeating the undead. Armed with a nerf gun, the 7-year-old sprung into action, careening through a zombie-infested jail, and dispatching the undead with foam darts while flanked by officers and K-9 units.

The “zombies” themselves were comprised of local high school drama students.

After Spencer disposed of the “walker” threat, a local business donated a minivan to the Holt family, a gesture intended to help them transport Spencer and his mobility chair. Of course, this was all made even more amazing when the police officers engaged in a choreographed “Thriller” routine in celebration of Spencer’s victory over the creatures.

Affirmation for genuine humanity, complete.

(via FOX13)