You know, we don’t get enough video-game trailers scored to prog rock. Considering the medium’s roots, and the preferred smoking material of a lot of gamers, you’d think prog rock would come up more often. The Halo 5 trailer goes a long way toward addressing this by using “Knights of Cydonia” by Muse. Oh, also we see some scraps of gameplay.
For a supposed “gameplay” trailer, this is pretty light on the actual gameplay; there’s a whole lot of chatter here about mysterious EMP pulses, Master Chief killing people, and so on, but we don’t actually see much of Master Chief doing what he does best: fragging aliens. Still, what we do see indicates that everything you want out of a Halo game is, well, right here. Aliens, guns, ground pounds, cheesy dialogue, the whole bit.
I confess the focus on story is a bit worrying, simply because Halo has always been at its worst when it thinks players care about its maudlin jingoism. Seriously, guys, we don’t care. These are not real Marines. They’re action figures. Let us play pew-pew with the action figures. But at least there’s plenty of stuff to blow up, if this trailer is any indication. Really, that’s all we need.
(Via YouTube)