The Internet Is Spontaneously Combusting Over Canada’s ‘Hot’ New Prime Minister

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There’s a new prime minister in Canada, and people have taken notice of not only his political stylings but also his dishy good looks. The Internet has gone wild for Justin Trudeau, a former teacher and boxing aficionado who led Canada’s Liberal Party to newfound victory. His triumphant rise marks a conclusion to Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper’s nearly 10-year tenure. However, Trudeau’s ascent to power isn’t unexpected. His father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, also served two terms as prime minister, so perhaps leadership tendencies run in the family. Pierre once inspired the flattering “Trudeaumania” description, which is exactly what’s happening on the Internet right now.

On Tuesday, Twitter lost its everloving mind over Justin. They may love his love for marijuana, as he once admitted to smoking the herb while he was a Member of Parliament. He also has a bit of a potty mouth, which he displayed by muttering “piece of sh*t” about a fellow MP. Mostly, Twitter has noticed Justin Trudeau’s good looks, as well as his faux-striptease video making the rounds.

Here’s just a sampling of the drool-laden declarations on worldwide timelines.

Not everyone on Twitter sees the attraction, but that’s okay. More for everyone else.

(via Huffington Post)