The Internet Is On Fire Over This Toddler Dressed Up As Pablo Escobar For Halloween

Somebody dressed this little kid up as notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar (or at least an adult had to have approved this costume, right?), complete with Hawaiian shirt, side-parted curly hair, mustache and a tiny gun and briefcase to boot.

The adults at this party seem really amused, with the little kid even fist bumping with an adult-sized fist as other adults laugh. The website, Break, also found this funny, posting the video on Facebook with the caption, “Little Pablo Escobar runs the biggest fun size Snickers cartel…”

However, as the Latin Times points out, many commenters don’t find this funny. “I can’t wait to dress my children up in the most offensive, inappropriate costumes ever. I want at least 10 phone calls to Social Services questioning my parenting abilities,” writes one Facebook user.

“I do not think this is funny. Pablo Escobar is tied to murdering thousands people (many of them innocent),” writes another, who then goes on to say the popular Netflix show, Narcos, motivated her to research the damage Escobar did.

Other commenters lament the purported self-righteousness on display: “i saw the headline for this and just knew the facebook moral crusaders would be out in force. full time mummies everywhere are outraged by this after checking google to find out who pablo escobar was,” writes a dissenting commenter.

Personally, I’m with the commenter who wrote, “poor kid has NO idea what is going on.” He does seem perplexed by the adults laughing at him, and would probably have no understanding of the controversy that his (or his guardians’) costume choice has inspired.

(via Latin Times)