This Dog Owner Posts Pictures Of Her Dog’s Mouth Taped Shut After It Won’t Stop Barking

A Florida woman is being investigated by police after taping her dog’s muzzle shut and posting a picture on Facebook, writing, ‘This is what happens when you dont shut up!!!’

The owner, Katie Brown, explained that her dog’s muzzle was only forcefully closed for sixty seconds or so, but the damage was done. Sadly, she doubled down on her actions when she made another post, stating, ‘Dont panic everyone it was only for a minute but hasn’t barked since… POINT MADE!!!’ apparently feeling that putting an animal she supposedly loves in harm’s way is an acceptable form of discipline that should be applauded. It was not.

Taping dog’s mouth shut due barking is the equivalent to handcuffing and gagging a toddler for grabbing at something shiny on the coffee table. To brag about it on social media likely proves that this woman is not only a bit cruel, but she’s also not thinking her actions through. Her initial post has already been shared over 40,000 times in less than 24 hours and according to DailyMail, the South Daytona Police Department said it has received calls about Brown’s lab “from 44 states, three provinces, and as far away as Australia.”

Horrifyingly, this is the second time a dog has had their muzzle forcefully closed in the last sixty days. In October, a woman from North Carolina was charged with animal abuse after taping her dog’s mouth shut and posting photos of the act on Facebook with the caption ‘hah hah’.

It’s times like these when you should pet all the dogs.

(Via DailyMail)