Sick Of Trump? The Trump Filter Gets Rid Of Him Completely

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Donald Trump is undeniably the front-runner in the current GOP presidential campaign. He’s also somebody many people can find unpleasant, if we’re being polite. So, if you’d like to start the new year off right, and you use Chrome to browse, you can use Trump Filter.

The spawn of a similar project to get rid of Derek Jeter, The Trump Filter is pretty much all there in the name, but there are, unlike its subject, some nuances. The filter has three levels, mild, aggressive, and vindictive, so you can set them on the fly. A quick test of the Internet finds that mild tends to do the job of scrubbing away Trump completely, although depending on the sites you visit, aggressive might be needed. Vindictive should really be reserved for when you don’t want to look at most of the Internet.

This won’t apply to all media, of course; as long as Trump is saying whatever crosses his mind at that particular moment, he’ll be a darling of cable news. But at least it’s a lot easier to turn off a TV, and who knows? If enough filters are installed, maybe it’ll make a difference. No word on Internet Explorer extensions, or Firefox, but we’re sure they’re in the works. Or, if you want to just carpet-bomb everybody, you can always filter out politics altogether.

(via the Hill)