The ‘Australia’s Got Talent’ ‘Reaction Guy’ Isn’t Bothered By The Internet Making Fun Of Him

Last week, a promo for Australia’s Got Talent went viral due to the a seemingly rubber-faced audience member’s reaction to what he was witnessing on stage. That audience member has since been identified as 21-year-old Josh Saunders, a dance instructor who stopped by Australia’s Channel Nine Today show earlier this week to discuss his newfound status as a bona fide Internet meme. Despite the fact that some of the attention he received was not, how shall we say, “nice,” Saunders doesn’t let it bother him.

On the contrary, he seems to be delighted with the attention. When asked why the cameras focused on him in the first time, Saunders quipped that he had no idea, because he had “Heidi Klum to my left and Brad Pitt to my right and they picked me to film.” However, he does say he’s been getting some funny looks because his likeness went viral, and even had one woman come up to him and say, “You look just like that guy from the ad! No offense.”

He still won’t say what the hell was happening on stage, though, going only so far to say that “it was something that was really clever.” Damn him.

(Via Daily Mail)