Is Batman Going To Be In Paul Thomas Anderson’s ‘The Master’?

Cigarettes & Red Vines, the “definitive Paul Thomas Anderson resource,” which is a very good thing to be a definitive resource for, has uploaded a bunch of new images from the writer and director’s hotly anticipated not-about-Scientology-but-totally-about-Scientology film The Master to their Facebook page.
That in and of itself is good news, because The Master coming out on September 14th is the only thing lessening the blow of Breaking Bad ending 12 days prior, but the particularly great thing is the picture above, showing Joaquin Phoenix’s Freddie Quell in the middle of a Rorschach test. It probably says more about me than anything else, which is entirely the point of the Rorscach test, but that ink smudge totally looks like Batman, right? Maybe The Master is a prequel to Batman Begins, and this is the Weinstein Company’s brilliant way of cashing in on The Dark Knight Rises craze. After all, Batman is a scientist.
More Master stills, via Indie Wire, including one of Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman going on the world’s most uncomfortable camping trip, after the jump.