Larry David Really Wants You To Vote

Oh hey if you couldn’t tell by all the talk about the Tiny Faced Mitt Romney and that idiot Todd Akin talking to doctors there’s a big election coming up in November. So prepare yourself for an onslaught of “get out the vote” PSAs to hit the web in the coming weeks. I’ve seen a few already, but the only one I can recall actually making me laugh is the one embedded below with Larry David. There’s nothing really extraordinary about it — it’s just Larry David talking to a camera, but Larry David talking to a camera is just funny to me.

“Not to vote? What are you even living here? You could be living anywhere. You could be living in Iran. Or North Korea. How would you like that?”

See? Rather mundane copy, right? Except having Larry David reading it made me giggle, because it was Larry David reading it. I hope they do one with Leon next.

(HT: Gotcha Media)