A Swedish Town Is Powerless Against A Giant Snow Penis Terrorizing Citizens

Residents of Gothenburg, Sweden, awoke one recent morning to the beautiful sight of freshly fallen snow blanketing their fair city. Unfortunately, their delight quickly turned to disgust when it was discovered that some pranksters had used the occurrence to draw a giant penis on snow covering a frozen lake in King’s Park, as you can see in the above photo snapped by a local.

No big deal, just brush away the snow, right? Wrong. Apparently when park officials attempted to step out of the ice, they found it to be brittle and likely not able to support the weight of an adult.

“They judged that the ice would not stay put. They did not dare to go out on to the moat and consequently the artwork is there until thawing weather returns,” Darko Brankovic, director of Gothenburg’s Parks and Landscape Administration (Park- och naturförvaltningens organisation och ledning) told Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet.

The impenetrable (pun intended) Swedish snow penis joins the hallowed ranks of snow dicks such as the great penising of Cincinnati’s Nippert Stadium and the legendary 11-foot-tall phallus of Texas Tech University. Gothenburg’s snow penis may not be the greatest snow penis of all-time, but it is the one most incapable of being destroyed. We give credit where credit it’s due.

(Via i100 and The Local)

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