This Video Of Preemie Twins Holding Hands Right After Birth Will Warm Your Heart

Babies are blessings who incessantly cry and poop. They’re also adorable bundles of joy who smile, laugh, yawn and — like the preemie twins in the viral video above — hold hands.

First-time mother Anthea Jackson-Rushford’s twins, Kristiana and Kristian, were a little too eager to get out into the world when they were born three months early January 4. According to her Facebook page, the pair weighed just 2.2 pounds each, but had a good chance of making it because survival rates for babies born prematurely have improved dramatically over the years.

To help boost their chances, however, the father administered “Kangaroo Care” — a method by which you place your naked baby on your bare chest for skin-to-skin contact. The technique stabilizes the infant’s temperature, heart rate and breathing. Yet who knew such a precious moment would become even more beautiful when the twins started holding hands?

“He actually holds her hand!” says a voice off-camera in the Facebook video. “How is that possible?” It just is and it’s too cute for words. Plus, it wasn’t just a one-time occurrence, either. The babies were pictured holding hands again when their mother held them to her chest. “Both my angels holding hands again as if they were born to,” Jackson-Rushford wrote on Facebook. “Amazing sight!”

(Via CBS)