You Won’t Believe The Disgusting Thing A Game Developer Posted On Twitter


Jonathan Blow and his team at Thekla, Inc. are rushing to finish their game The Witness for next week. That means long hours, bad food, and, apparently, extreme measures when it comes to bathroom breaks.

Blow posted what sure looks like a bottle of his own, ah, bodily fluids to Twitter with the status: “Here is another thing I helped make, to help finish The Witness.” And apparently he was planning ahead, as PC Gamer dug up a few tweets of his from the 16th.

That’s not something you “borrow,” we don’t think. Blow, for his part, is neither confirming nor denying but he is criticizing people for their reactions:

That said, though, this might be more innocent than meets the eye. The Witness has as a core mechanic puzzles where you have to trace an unbroken line through a maze and some of those puzzles require you to observe the world around you to determine the solution. We’ve been playing the game to review it, and there are a lot of these puzzles to diagram and test. It’s not out of the realm of possibility Blow built a test puzzle out of tubing to make sure one of these clues made sense. On the other hand, it’d be nice if he could confirm that, like, immediately. There are some things we don’t want to witness.

(Via Kotaku)