The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Twitter Account Just Dropped These New Season Six Teasers

Winter is coming. For the East Coast, at least.

“Jonas” is all set to pound 85 million people, wink wink, with up to two feet of snow this weekend. Crappy weather means a lot of people are staying indoors. Which means a lot of people are staying indoors and have nothing to do. Which means a lot of people who are staying indoors with nothing to do are going to watch television. HBO hopes they pick Game of Thrones, and to fan the proverbial flames, the show’s social media team has a Twitter surprise.

Here’s what happens for #HouseStark (that’s Ramsay Bolton talking).

And #HouseLannister, featuring Jonathan Pryce’s High Sparrow.

And finally, #HouseTargaryen.

Okay, I’m ready for the official trailer now. Game of Thrones season six premieres on April 24th. Washington, D.C. might still be covered in snow.

Now Watch: Why These ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Could Secretly Be Targaryens