This Guy Got Caught Cheating By Both Women He’s Playing And The Result Is Disastrous

Unless they’ve sat down and had an important conversation about boundaries and “what ‘us’ means,” it’s safe to assume that most people aren’t going to be okay with their partners going out and dating someone else. But people still keep doing it. And they keep doing it despite the fact that the internet has proven to us time and time again that a) nothing good will ever come from cheating and b) everyone has a camera these days so if you want to cheat you’d better prepare to be confronted by the people you’re messing with. Like this guy.

Bro Bible reports that the man in the video above is named Sam (Hi Sam!) and he’s been a real shady dude. In fact, he’s been so shady that the women he’s been lying to got together, made a plan, and then confronted Sam in a public place. And, of course, they caught it on video, so good luck to Sam ever finding a date again. (Maybe he could hook up with this woman who just got outed a few weeks ago in a spectacular fashion.)

If you watch one “dude got caught cheating” video all the way through this week, please let it be this one. From the masterful “catch him while he’s with another girl” play to the confidential information these ladies start spewing (apparently Sam lied about being in a car accident, proposed to one girl via email, then gave the other one the ring he proposed with), there’s nothing but lesson being learned after lesson being learned. Like Bro Bible, we almost want to feel a little bit bad for Sam–who looks terrified–but you can’t really fault the ladies for coming at him the way they did. Could this be the start of a beautiful friendship for these women scorned? And if so, can they film any future exploits in landscape view?

(Via Bro Bible)

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