If These Generals Have Their Way, Women Will Be Eligible For The Military Draft


How would you feel if your sister was drafted to the military? Would you worry for her safety? It’s a question that perhaps we should begin asking ourselves, as a group of generals in the U.S. military are pushing for females to be eligible for the draft. Currently, all combat jobs are open to females, and that opening — which occurred last month — spurred Gen. Robert B. Neller to issue the following statement during a hearing at the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday:

Senator, it’s my personal view that, based on this lifting of restrictions … every American who’s physically qualified should register for the draft.

Gen. Neller isn’t alone. On Tuesday, Gen. Mark A. Milley said, “Senator, I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft.”

As it stands, only men between the ages of 18 and 26 have to register with selective services to be eligible for the military’s draft. If a measure was pushed through to allow for women to become eligible for the draft, it would mark another historic movement in military policy.

What do you think? Should women become eligible for the military draft? What would you do if your little sister had to go to Afghanistan to do battle?

(Via NBC News)