This Horrible Break-Up Note Will Make You Glad You Never Dated Someone This Awful


Apparently, breaking up isn’t as hard to do as we were once led to believe. In fact, if you’re a particularly evil person (or willing to use a service), breaking up might even be easy. Especially if you end the relationship by leaving your ex a surprise package that includes a nasty note hidden within a bouquet of flowers. Does Ally — the breaker-upper in this situation — have a reason for being as mean as she is? Maybe. But is the note you’re about to read so brutal you might want to cry a few tears yourself? Let’s just say you should have a hankie ready.

The breakup note was tweeted out by a friend of the person who did the breaking up. These tweets aren’t new (and Ally’s victim probably never thought she’d be going viral), but it was recently picked up by The Sun and has now been horrifying people all over the internet.

Here’s the break-up in full:

And here’s what the note says:

We were never meant to be, there is no way were would ever be amy forever

You’re a bit of a c*** and I hope you can find someone who will love you for it

Don’t try to message me because your number is blocked

Ally X

P.S You were a shit shag

What happened, if you’re following along, is that Ally told her girlfriend she had a surprise for her, left a bouquet of flowers on their girlfriend’s doorstep, and included a note that informed their now-ex that they’d been blocked on all social media and were bad in bed. Ally’s friend Gigi says that it’s funny and those who are offended should grow a sense of humor, but how funny would it be to receive a note like this? Gigi also points out that if anyone thinks she’s faking this because the handwriting on the note looks feminine, it’s because Ally’s a woman and not a man as originally reported.

(Via The Sun)