‘Civil War II’ Comic Pits Iron Man Against Captain Marvel In A Plot Ripped From ‘Minority Report’

Can’t the Marvel Universe just get along? Captain America: Civil War will be in theaters in a few short months, so unsurprisingly, Marvel Comics is going back to the superhero strife well with Civil War II this summer. This time around, though, the sides are going to be a bit different.

Unlike the first Civil War, which pit the authoritarian Iron Man against the freedom-lovin’ Captain America, Civil War II sets Tony Stark against Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel. Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso discussed the new dynamic.

“There’s a reason that Carol is a part of the opposition forces. It not only speaks to her character, but her new role in the Marvel universe. She’s the leader of Alpha Flight, which is Earth’s first line of defense from all incursions. As of today, she is a very powerful authoritative figure in the Marvel universe.”

In another interview, Alonso and Civil War II-writer Brian Michael Bendis explained why Iron Man and Captain Marvel end up on a collision course.

“A mysterious new Marvel character comes to the attention of the world, one who has the power to calculate the outcome of future events with a high degree of accuracy. This predictive power divides the Marvel heroes on how best to capitalize on this aggregated information, with Captain Marvel leading the charge to profile future crimes and attacks before they occur, and Iron Man adopting the position that the punishment cannot come before the crime.”

So, we’re basically looking at a Marvel Minority Report. Also, it seems like Tony is pretty firmly planted on the moral high ground this time around, which is an interesting turnabout. What do you think about the new Civil War II battle lines?

Civil War II brings the superhero drama in June.

(Via The Washington Post & New York Daily News)