This Reporter Was Sexually Assaulted By Scumbags On Live TV… While Reporting On Sexual Assault

A Belgian journalist reporting from the Cologne Carnival in Germany detailed a horrifying incident that took place while she was live on camera. Esmeralda Labye was detailing a rash of sexual assaults that had plagued the carnival — with 18 incidents “up to and including rape” being reported on just the first night alone — when suddenly three men appeared behind her, one simulating a sex act. The full video has been removed from the internet, but things reportedly only got worse after that.

“At first they were just making faces behind me. Then a hand landed on my breast. I was was shocked,” said Labye, describing the incident that took place in the Alter Markt district of town.

“My piece to the camera was chaotic, people showing middle fingers, a man who was having fun miming a sex act behind me and above all the hand placed on my breast.”

Authorities are now investigating and hoping to find the men, which is likely because they stupidly groped a woman in front of a live television camera. It’s unclear why the their faces are blurred in the above video, because obviously they don’t deserve the respect of anonymity for what they did.

(Via The Local)