Sarah Michelle Gellar May Reprise Her Cunning Role In The ‘Cruel Intentions’ Spin Off

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Opens Lemonade Stand
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The Cruel Intentions television spin-off is trying to court a familiar face, Sarah Michelle Gellar, aka Buffy Summers aka Kathryn Merteuil in the original Cruel Intentions movie. Deadline reports that Gellar has been approached about reprising her role, and that she is currently reading the script. The spin off would follow her character, who remains “beautiful and cunning,” 15 years after the events of the movie, as she tries to wrest control of a company called Valmont International, and for the soul of her late brother/lover’s son, inexplicably named Bash Casey.

So we could maybe see Gellar back on our television screens, and in her second most iconic role, no less. She last had starring roles in CBS’s The Crazy Ones, and in the CW’s Ringer. If Gellar does say yes, do you think she’ll go back to her brunette look for the series, or be blond now? Will she still carry that cross filled with cocaine? Is she gonna come on to her stepbrother’s son who she got killed? Will there be another girl-on-girl kiss?

And since the producers behind the Cruel Intentions musical parody are involved, maybe we’ll have more musical numbers, and a “One More, With Feeling” all-musical episode.

(via Deadline)