Twitter Attempts To Calm Fears Following The #RIPTwitter Timeline Panic

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After everybody freaked out about Twitter possibly getting rid of its live timeline, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is here to explain that your timeline will still feature ordered updates from the people you follow.

Engadget reports that Dorsey said that such a timeline change was “never planned.” The social media platform, which thrives on breaking news, would make its updates “feel more, not less, live,” unlike similar timelines for other platforms like Facebook, which is more curated.

The Verge has a report on what Twitter’s new algorithm will do to your timeline, presenting an option that you can opt out of that’s based on the recently introduced “while you were away” feature:

The algorithm that will re-order your timeline is based on the one that ranks tweets for the “while you were away” feature that Twitter introduced a year ago. The best way to think of the new timeline is as an expanded version of this feature. Spend an entire day away from Twitter, and when you open the app again, you’ll see highlights from the day. If you open it up a few times a day, you’ll see a handful of “while you were away”-style sections breaking up the chronological tweets. And whenever you pull down to refresh your stream, it’s back to the regular, reverse-chronological timeline.

And if you don’t like this, then, remember, opt out!

(Via Engadget and The Verge)