Yup, Jim Carrey Is In Kick-Ass 2 [Insert 90s Jim Carrey Quote Here]

A couple days ago Mark Millar and Jeff Wadlow were teasing pretty brazenly that Jim Carrey was going to be playing Colonel Stars in Kick-Ass 2, so is he actually going to be in the movie? Yes, yes he is. Here’s Mark Millar gushing over getting Carrey to say “alrighty then” to joining the cast (that’s the only Ace Ventura quote you’re getting, so enjoy it)…

“Matthew Vaughn, Jeff Wadlow and I did a conference call with Jim a couple of weeks back and we’ve been itching to talk about this ever since because the energy Jim’s going to bring to Colonel Stars has me buzzing as much as Nic Cage with Big Daddy.[…]

Nic is really good friends with Jim Carrey and it’s well known to everyone that Jim loved the first movie. In fact, I think he had lunch with Vaughn the day before that Conan O’Brien kick-Ass/ Superman duet. So we’ve been talking very informally about this for a little over two years now.”

Jeff Wadlow has also been posting some rather mysterious shots from the Kick Ass 2 set on Twitter. Hit the jump for those…

via Comic Book Move & Bleeding Cool

This is the torso of the woman playing Mother Russia. Thems some meaty arms. Those elbows could also use an exfoliating.

Mother Russia’s hand with a big knife. I believe the Russian lettering translates to “always put knives blade-down in dishwasher.”

All the super costumes have been laid out carefully on the bed by the set mom (all movies have a set mom).

Ah, the olllll’ torso heap.

“God-dammit, who ordered this glass with holes in it?!”