After 41 Days, The Oregon Standoff Has Finally Come To An End

Anti-Government Protesters Continue To Occupy National Wildlife Refuge After Leaders Arrested, And One Dead
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Almost all of January and the first third of February have proven rather stressful for the denizens of Burns, Oregon. That’s because members of the so-called Bundy militia forcibly occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 41 days ago — an event that sparked numerous social media parodies at the time. All kidding aside, however, the standoff has proven legally precarious for many and deadly serious for one. 41 days later, the standoff between the group’s four remaining members, the FBI, local law enforcement and several Oregonian legislators has finally came to an end.

According to Oregon Live, the four remaining militia members — David Fry, Jeff Banta, Sean Anderson and wife Sandy Anderson — turned themselves in at two different times on Thursday morning, following the FBI’s decision to surround the group late Wednesday. Banta and the Andersons surrendered to the authorities “two hours behind schedule,” per Oregonian journalist Les Zaitz.

Fry, however, resisted the negotiators’ efforts to bring him in and continued livestreaming the affair via a cellphone connection and a YouTube channel run by a colleague offsite. (Oregon Live kept up with the digital presentation all of Wednesday and early Thursday.) Considering the fact that Fry helped run the militia’s social media presence throughout the 41-day occupation, it comes as no surprise that he continued broadcasting until the very end.

Dave Killen, a photographer for The Oregonian who was listening in on Fry’s livestream, tweeted much of the 27-year-old Cincinnati native’s comments. They ranged from his fears about going to prison, to his considering suicide as a last resort.

However, after over an hour of denying pleas from supporters to end the standoff and surrender, Fry finally agreed to come out of the encampment. Albeit, with a few final moments to himself.

At 11 a.m. local time, right when the call was disconnected and the YouTube livestream discontinued, Fry was arrested by federal authorities.

According to Zaitz, the FBI confirmed that Fry was safely in their custody and that the standoff was over. He, Banta and the Andersons will each face a federal conspiracy charge for their participation in the event — the same basic charge that 12 other Bundy militia members are facing.

(Via Oregon Live)