The Best Of #Gemma Teller

Shockingly, Sons of Anarchy doesn’t have quite the geektastic GIF wizard following of a Community or even Walking Dead or I would have dedicated this spot solely to nothing but media similar to the skateboard attack above. But what SOA does have though is huge fan love for Katey Sagal’s Gemma Teller and her irreverent biker queen bee-ness, so we’ll go with that.

As Dustin chronicled not long ago, it’s beyond a travesty at this point that Sagal hasn’t been nominated for an Emmy. Whether the character grates you at times or not, it’s impossible to deny the performance. That I see Katey Sagal now and think Gemma Teller and not Peggy Bundy is probably the greatest testament to her work on Sons.

So here’s a primer — complete with baby hostages and bead jokes — for Samcro ringing in the new fall TV season tomorrow night (!!!!). Some NSFW text to follow, although I’m still not sure that’s a thing.

Gemma+Teller & F Yeah Gemma Teller