Is Apple Building An ‘Unhackable’ iPhone?

IPhone 6 fire

Apple is at the center of a massive controversy around liberty versus security, as the FBI is demanding Apple create a custom software tool to crack the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. But even if the Department of Justice gets its way, Apple is reportedly working to make an iPhone even it can’t crack.

Essentially, Apple is looking to close off the backdoor the FBI was looking to exploit. While Apple can’t access your data right now, it can update your system software without asking for your password, which is what the FBI wants Apple to do. Apple’s plan would, supposedly, close even this narrow crack in your iPhone’s security. That said, this means that if your iPhone suffers a glitch, or you forget your password, it’s more or less a very expensive coaster.

Much depends on how Apple’s seemingly inevitable court case goes, and whether or not Congress steps in. In theory, if Congress wrote a law laying out exactly what obligations modern tech companies actually have, that would go a long way towards derailing suits like this and allowing law enforcement to gather information. Of course, it also assumes that Congress could write a law that does this and would also survive the inevitable legal challenges. But don’t be surprised if Apple decides to settle any future court cases by taking itself completely out of the equation.

(Via The New York Times)