‘Doom’ Multiplayer Lets You Wreak Bloody Destruction As One Of The Game’s Demons

Classic single-player Doom is great and all, but one of the main things that’s made the Doom franchise such a resounding and enduring hit with fans is its multiplayer. The original Doom created the online deathmatch and, unsurprisingly, the new Doom is going to have a meaty multiplayer component of its own.

Doom will come with the full compliment of modes, including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Freeze Tag, Domination and Warpath (a version of king of the hill). As the trailer above shows, grabbing special runes allow you to transform and wreak gore-drenched havoc as one of Doom‘s terrifying demons. Another new feature called Doom SnapMap will also allow players to design their own custom multiplayer arenas. I wonder if I’ll be able to make a map I won’t get slaughtered on? Probably not.

Oh, and if you happened to buy a copy of Wolfenstein: The New Order, you’re eligible to take part in a Doom closed multiplayer beta that runs from March 31 to April 3. Everybody else, I guess you’re out of luck? Might want to start checking those bargain bins for an unopened copy of Wolfenstein (it’s definitely worth a play).

Doom returns to frag your ass May 13.

(via Polygon)