Female Adult Film Stars Answer The One Burning Question We’ve Always Wanted To Ask

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It’s a question as old as time: Do female porn stars have orgasms during scenes? Obviously we know male porn stars do, hence the fact that the “money shot” exists, but for women things aren’t so cut and dry. It’s just a job, when it comes down to it, and you’d have to imagine the temptation to phone it in and fake that O might be too great to ignore.

So porn website WoodRocket decided to answer the question for once and for all, by sitting down with a bunch of female porn stars and asking them if their orgasms are real or fake. Surprisingly, the consensus is that barring exceptions here or there — if they’re not feeling the vibe or position, or a certain director makes them feel uncomfortable — female porn stars almost always achieve real orgasms while filming.

The whole thing can probably be best summer up by Franziska, towards the beginning of the video, who says, “Yeah, of course. What’s the point if it’s going to be fake. I think I always try to cum for real because… Why not?” That’s actually a great point. You might as well enjoy what you do, a lesson all of us can probably learn from. Thanks, porn-star lady!

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