The Second ‘Overwatch’ Animated Short Has Been Released And It’s Ridiculously Fun

Ever since the original Warcraft, Blizzard has been a heavy-hitter in the CGI department. Year after year and release after release, they’ve consistently been at the forefront of the must cutting-edge and beautiful animations that the games industry, if not the entire entertainment industry, has ever seen. It’s gotten to the point where I, as a fledgling World of Warcraft addict, look forward to the new trailers and opening cut-scenes more than the game itself. This pretty much means I’ll enjoy the upcoming Warcraft movie no matter what, and thankfully, the fast-approaching Blizzard shooter Overwatch is doing all it can to satiate the desire for slick CGI in the Blizzard universe ahead of its release on May 24.

The second Overwatch animated short, Alive, follows assassin Widowmaker, stealthily on a mission to take out a high-ranking official before Tracer (whose butt has caused quite an uproar) tries to stop the deadly sniper in a gorgeous-looking rooftop battle. Please, please Blizzard — release a short for each character, then release a blu-ray, or a TV show, or a movie. Please?

And hey, while you’re here, watch the first animated short Recall, featuring Winston, the badass gorilla scientist guy. It’s something to do while we wait for the open beta to start on May 4.