This Utterly Adorable 3-Year-Old Girl Is Mad That The Sun Sets At Night

Kids, amirite? Sometimes they’re “eww!” and other times they’re “aww!” The latter is definitely one of those times, because the most adorable little girl ever nearly threw a tantrum over the sun going down at night.

EBONY magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux recorded this disgustingly cute video of daughter Naima feeling all kinds of distraught at being told the sun had to go away Friday night. “I want it to come back [now]. I don’t want her to come back tomorrow,” the three year old tells her mom when informed it was the moon’s time to do its thing. And it got even cuter from there with Naima correcting Lemieux for using a male pronoun instead of the proper female pronoun to describe the sun, awesomely notifying her, “No, it’s a girl.” Damn right it is!

Lemieux tries to explain to her daughter that other kids need the sun, too, but Naima just isn’t having any of that sharing nonsense. She screams and stomps, “Nooo! No! No! I don’t want to share the sun!”

By the next morning, Naima was happy happy to say that big yellow ball in the sky. Mom tweeted, “She woke up this morning yelling, ‘The sun! It came back! I can get up! (Pause) Can I have a cookie?'”

There’s never a wrong time to have a cookie, but celebrating the sun’s return is more than enough of an occasion.