Our 20 GIF Tribute To TV’s Most Adorable Redhead, ‘Doctor Who’s’ Karen Gillan

This really shouldn’t be a spoiler, because BBC and creator Steven Moffat have been discussing it for approximately seven years now, but just in case, SPOILER ALERT: yesterday’s Doctor Who, “The Angels Take Manhattan,” was the final episode for Rory and, more importantly, Amy Pond, the Doctor’s Companion for the past two wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey years. Boo. The series itself has been hit and miss over the past two series, but the actress who played Amy, Karen Gillan, has been a revelation. She’s able to convey more emotion with a simple raising of her eyebrows than other actors…actually, I don’t want to talk about other actors. This post is dedicated to the adorable redhead that is Karen Gillan and the cute as a bucket of puppies Karen Gillan only. We miss you already, Amy, and fine, you too, Rory.



















