Hey, remember all those replacement referees for the NFL, and the wonderful job that they did? Since they left, we’ve been sorely lacking a sports entity to make fun of on Twitter.
After last night’s Braves/Cardinals game, where an umpire demonstrated that literally nobody in Major League Baseball understands the in-field fly rule… well, let’s just say the only winner was Twitter. To wit:
Fans in Atlanta threw with more accuracy than the Braves fielders did.
— The Fake ESPN (@TheFakeESPN) October 6, 2012
I watch the baseball for my team the Atlanta. They look like they lose. Still respect for them
— The Iron Sheik (@the_ironsheik) October 6, 2012
Atlanta fans are soft. Finish your beer before you throw it on the field. #bearealfan
— Chris Butler (@TheButler44) October 6, 2012
Let the Mighty Chipper’s last game be one of Atlanta shame.
— MLB Jesus (@MLBJesus) October 6, 2012
Source told me Atlanta fans are now throwing their unused regular-season tickets onto the field.
— Gary Parrish (@GaryParrishCBS) October 6, 2012
If Atlanta fans really wanted to do something offensive to voice their anger, they should have just done the Tomahawk Chop
— keithlaw (@keithlaw) October 6, 2012
There’s so much trash on the field in Atlanta. And also in the stands.
— Ryan Petzar (@petzrawr) October 5, 2012
Needless to say, Philadelphia still holds the crown for sports douchebaggery, but it’s nice to see Atlanta making a respectable run at the title.